Picturesque wine micro region is a grouping of nine municipalities, združených okolo osobitého objektu stredoeurópskeho staviteľstva –; Red Stone Castle. It includes 9 communities: Báhoň, budmerice, frequent, Doľany, oak, Jablonec, sawmill, Stefanova, Vištuk, previously belonging to the estate Red Stone. Events in the region since time immemorial influenced winegrowing, which had a major impact on the lives of citizens. People in the area to this day are linked to the ancient traditions of ancestors. Shall ensure the maintenance of folklore, Customs of Viticulture and Enology, maintain a peaceful atmosphere with distinctive architecture Rural Small Carpathians. The area is attractive and agrotourism team develops the best tourism. The development also contribute quality hiking trails and cycling routes in the region.
tel.: 00421-33-6487191, 6487125
900 86 Stefanova 100