Services in the village

Community House


Kindergarten is a school for children,
mom kiss on cheek.
And I'm coming, I fly,
It will be a heap of children.

Kindergarten is jednotriedna. It provides all-day, if necessary, half-day, educational care for children from 2 and half years, if they are to create the conditions, do 6 years and children with postponed school attendance.

The main objective of education in kindergarten is optimal cognitive, sensorimotor and social and emotional levels as a basis for school education in primary school and for life in society.

We work according to the state educational program for pre-primary education in kindergartens. Pre našu materskú školu máme vypracovaný Školský vzdelávaci program s názvom “;iridescent beads;.

The building is purpose-built kindergarten. When the building is a spacious yard, We use the multifunctional playground.