Chapel of St. Rosalia was built in 1885, consecrated 06. September 1885 in the presence of four thousand faithful. The "Rozálka" is always went the Sunday after the feast of St. Rosalia (04. september). People came here and processions and from surrounding villages. Hodky, as we called this feast, They were often associated with the harvest festival. The chapel became a still life in movies Vivat Beňovský, S Rozálkou …;. Chapel easy to find the direction of Stephen's to "the Krížnica" on the right side.
Chapel. Rozalia
Chapel dedicated to honor
Our Lady of Lourdes
The chapel was originally built between the pillars of the front of the church. Confluent water from the roof of the church, however, significantly distorting vault chapel, Therefore, in 1940 translated at the current location.
Statue of St.. Vendelína
The statue was built in 1896 has averted rinderpest. From her gratitude built Štefanovčania. smaller, wooden statue of the saint was placed in a niche of the tower extension, which was walled up the original entrance to the church.
Currently, the village is five crosses. Away from often cost cross from 1920, built out of gratitude for the return of war. The church is a monument to soldiers, who died in World War I.. They gave him build parishioners in 1939. Cross the park is from 1952, also built out of gratitude for the return of war. Cross the road to Budmeríc is from 1942, thanks for healing. In year 1896 gave the church community to build a new stone cross in a cemetery.
God torments
It was built in memory of fallen soldiers and suffering Štefanovčanov in battle 11. augusta 1705 between the armies of Francis II. Rakoczy and imperial troops victorious field marshal and army Ludovíta Hebervilla personal regiment our former landlord John Palffy podmaršala. dedication 03. September 2006. Muku could build a lead municipality, that operated between 2002-2006.
Church of St.. Stephen
Church of St.. Stephen King is originally Gothic church of 14. century. We do not know, when and who built it. Stephen's parish in was an erect in 1397, parish church in honor of St.. Stephen King was sanctified in 1500.