Renovation and maintenance of parks, village Stefanova
V year 2017 starosta obce pripravil žiadosť o subsidy for the project „ Obnova a UDR¼even park the village Stefanova " ktorá bola pripravená v zmysle Bratislavskej regionálnej dotačnej schémy na podporu rozvoja vidieka 2017. Based on this request, then council Bratislava Region agreed Stefanova subsidy of 9.800,- €. The municipal council Stefanova contributed to the project deductibles amounting to 3,803,91, - €.
The main idea of the project is the completion and maintenance of parks municipalities with the presentation of various tree species, assuming the construction of the arboretum at least a marginal significance, which will be a pillar of identity, community and ecological stability of the territory. Increasing the attractiveness of public spaces to improve the quality of life of citizens, increase the attractiveness for visitors, at the same time to promote a relationship of citizens to their community, their interest in remaining in the village. In the future, the main significance lies in the traffic of the site for tourism, but especially with cognitive purpose for school pupils because of cognition stands, mainly wood.
V The project has been met following activities :
1. Na voľných miestach v parkoch k existujúcim drevinám bolo vysadených more 14 tree species together 54 ks a to : 2 piece silver fir (Abies alba Pyramidalis ), 5 piece Pine Mountain ( Pinus mugo ), 1 pc pine smooth ( Pinus strobus ), 2piece Arolla pine ( Pinus cembra),1 piece juniper ( Juniper Compressa), 1 ks borievka obyčajná (Juniper Irish), 2 ks platan javorolistý ( Platanus acerofilia ), 30 ks tuja západná emerald ( Thuja occidentalis emerald ), 1 ks smrek balkánsky ( Picea omorika ), 3 piece beech ( Fagus silvatika ), 2 piece Oak summer ( Quercus robur ), 1 ks dub červený ( Quercus rubra ), 1 ks dub močiarny ( Quercus palustris ) 2 piece sycamore ( Acer pseudoplatanus ) .
2. V detskom ihrisku bol osadený mobiliár – 2 ks parkové lavičky zn. Eva a 1ks smetný kôš zn. Salou.
3. Na ulici pozdĺž uličného sidewalk was installed 8 pieces of new energy-saving LED lighting 30 W, vt-15131ST. In the village where it is not yet public lighting was E completed leadership where it was installed 4 piece luminaire Modus LV 136, 36 W. At the same time they have been removed 2 ks 150 W substandard lighting.
4. Maintenance of parks and trails general was purchased mower - tractor brand. Husqarna R418 TS AWD with accessories : cutting deck Combi Turf 112. Maintenance of trees and shrubs were purchased battery pack chainsaw brand. Husqarna AKU 120i KIT shears and hedge trimmer brand. Husqarna 136Li HD50.
Project "Rehabilitation and maintenance of parks of the village Stefanova" supported :