Arboretum village Stefanova
In year 2018 mayor to prepare an application for a grant for the project "Arboretum village Stefanova" which has been prepared under the Bratislava regional subsidy schemes to support rural development 2018. Based on this request, then council Bratislava Region agreed Stefanova subsidy of 9.000,- €. The municipal council Stefanova contributed to the project deductibles amounting to 2,845,54, - €.
The main idea of the "Arboretum village Stefanova" is a continuation of building and maintenance of parks municipalities with the presentation of various tree species, assuming the construction of the arboretum. To fulfill activities prompted project will shoulder the new park movables , planting of public greenery, reducing the energy intensity of public lighting, purchase of equipment for year-round maintenance of roads, public spaces and parks and shopping Chipper disposal of biological waste.
V The project has been met following activities :
1. Obnova obcí A/
The project was realized planting of greenery, 1 pieces of oak cerium, 1 piece London plane, 2 piece rowan, 2 ks ginko biloba, 2 piece hornbeam,1 piece serviceberry Lamarck, 2 piece serviceberry jelšolistý, 6 ks spiraea japonica, 6 vavrínovec medical units, 6 juniper pieces spread out, 2 ks cypress Bur, 2 piece cyprusovec leylandský, 2 ks cyprusovec lawsonov, 6 ks pennisetum –; grass together worth € 774,20-.
B/ V obci bol osadený mobilíár –; 3 ks lavičky zn. EVA a 3 ks smetné koše zn. Salou spolu worth 939, - €.
C / The village was made part of the reconstruction of public lighting to reduce energy consumption and so, the old 36 W lamps were replaced 13 new units 30 W LED svietidlami v celkovej hodnote 2179,34,-€.
2. Improving the quality of services and /
It was dokúpené equipment on mower brand. Husqvarna R 418 T AWD –; sweeping brush P524 worth of 1960 - €, Snow pusher R21AWD worth 1105, - €, No. spreader. Starjet RV200 worth 499, - €, truck braked worth 379, - €, sweeper 112 cm NT-collecting truck worth 585, - €, ďalej bol zakúpený krovinorez Husqarna 545RXT v hodnote 825,-€.
B / In the treatment of biological waste is purchased chipper marks. Laski ls95 worth 2,600, - €.
Project "Arboretum village Stefanova" supported :