Decision on the approval of the NFP application
Decision on the approval of the application for NFP in the amount of 67 010,04 EUR per project
“;Rekonštrukcia premostenia Štefanovského potoka”;
Revitalizácia cesty II/504 Modra –; budmerice
we take the liberty of informing you, that the Road Administration of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region begins from Tuesday 25.6.2024 with the revitalization of the road section II/504 Modra – Budmerice.
Subject of construction is the improvement of the parameters of the road body, in particular the increase of the bearing capacity of the subsoil and its stabilization by the technology of cold recycling of roadways on site, replacement of asphalt layers of road II/504 and reconstruction of culvert P29198, which is in a state of emergency.
Start of section revitalization of the road is in Modra at the intersection II/502 x II/504 (ul. Partizánska x Trnavská) and the end of the section is Budmericiach at the intersection II/502 x III/1282 (ul. Modranská x Jablonecká).
Oil collection
The municipality of Štefanová informs the citizens, that in the year 2024 the collection of oil from households will be carried out as follows:
(more…)Changes to travel schedules
Information from Bratislava integrated transport, a. s.